IB PYP EXHIBITION via Live stream

Okinawa International School has been preparing for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme (PYP) Exhibition, an IB requirement. The exhibition aims to assess students’ understanding and celebrate their success as learners while working within the framework of the programme.

More than ever, the Grade 5 students have an opportunity to demonstrate the culmination of their experience within the IB PYP. It serves as a summative assessment where their understanding of the program principles and framework is assessed. It provides an opportunity for students to bring together all the subject disciplines and utilize all the transdisciplinary skills they have been learning and developing throughout their years at OIS.

They chose a social issue of their interest and inquired about the following topics: Coronavirus, Endangered Animals, Art Patterns, Game Addiction, Internet, Space Debris, and Renewable Energy. They will present their findings and the actions they have taken.

Thus, in our effort to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, we are inviting all of you via Zoom. Please see the details below.

Date : February 20 (Saturday)

Time : 9:00 a.m. (Registration starts from 8:45 a.m.)

How to join: Zoom (Zoom link will be sent on january 19th. )

How to apple : Please click the link below or access the qr code and apply for it. 


Thank you very much for your understanding and support. We really appreciate it.

Okinawa International School


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