(Updated 12 July) Information about Summer School 2021 ①

There are some additional documents to download.

Dear participants of the OIS Summer School 2021

This is Okinawa International School.
Due to the extension of the state of emergency declared in Okinawa Prefecture since 11 July (until Sunday 22 August), we would like to make an additional request to all summer school participants as part of the school’s response to the prevention of infection by the new coronavirus.

We apologize for the last minute notice, but we would like to request that you also prepare and complete the following documents.


Documents to be downloaded

If you are taking any medication on a daily basis, please complete and submit the Medication Card (Medication Request Form) below on the day of your visit.

The Medication Card

■Health Observation Sheets (We have updated the sheets and divided them into two sections: ①for kindergarten and ② for elementary through high school.
The Health Observation Sheet is to be handed in at the door each morning.
Please note that if you forget to bring this sheet, your child will not be able to participate in any of the summer school programs.

① Health Observation Sheet for Childcare Kindergarten (Fun Program)

② Health Observation Sheet for Elementary – Academic Program

School PCR Test Consent Form



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