(日本語) Market Day presented by Grade 2 students!


The Market Day organized by the Grade 2 students ended with great success.
Thanks to the cooperation of  parents, we were able to achieve the goals of independence and action (taking action on what they have learned) for Grade 2 students.
The Grade 2 students were able to sell the goods and services, such as the homemade candy, the game board they created, the books for renting, the massages they provided (which were very popular with the teachers and staff!), the cleaning service, and the karate practice. They also provided creative works.
The children from other grades had a great opportunity to think about how to spend the money “wisely” and also to think about consumption, which products and services they should choose.
It was very cute to see the children calculating change and communicating with each other, and faculty and staff could see that they were learning more than just English.

We would like to thank all the Grade 2 parents for their support and encouragement in preparing their children for this day.
We also would like to thank the parents gave their children the opportunity to participate in Market Day with 50 yen in their hands and helped with the Grade 2 summative assessment.

We will continue to support the children as they deepen their learning and grow both physically and mentally in line with the IB philosophy. We will share what happened in our school on the OIS official SNS in the future.


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