OIS First DP Students Prepare for Final Exams

OIS recognizes their first graduates from the Diploma Programme this year. DP is a rigorous programme that executes
a worldwide accepted curriculum. In order to satisfy the requirements, students need to complete courses from six main
groups – Language & Literature, Language Acquisition, Individual & Societies, Mathematics and the Arts. As part of the
Language & Literature exams, Mr. Tang and the DP candidates practice Paper 1 – a close analysis of non-literary texts.

For Language & Literature, Paper 1 is a close analysis of visual or written texts. Some visual text types include magazine
covers, advertisements, political cartoons, comics and infographics; and some written text types are news, blogs, fiction,
poetry and drama. In preparation for the Paper 1, Mr. Tang has collected authentic samples from various sources.
Students are tasked to analyze specific stylistic choices featured in the text and how they contribute to meaning in the
text; and write a 600 – 800 word essay.

Mr. Tang joined Okinawa International School in 2019. He has taught language arts for over ten years in the United
States and Japan from seventh to twelfth grade.

The following example is from DP2 student Kirara T.









Head of English Department – John Tang


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