HS CSE Interview / Riko

Today’s interviewee is Riko.

Q. What activities are you involved in regarding PFAS?
A. PFAS, which is contained in an ingredient from the base’s foam fire extinguishing agent, once released naturally or taken into the human body, it remains forever and does not affect the human body immediately, but if it is in the body for a long time, there is a possibility of cancer.
People in Okinawa don’t know about it, and not many people know about it, so I handed out fliers while running the NAHA Marathon.
The ones we couldn’t distribute were handed out at schools, and we are working to make people more knowledgeable about PFAS.

Q. What were some of the challenges?
A. Making posters. I devised how much I could write about PFAS in a concise and easy-to-understand manner that would be easy to read. I also practiced running the NAHA Marathon.

Q. What made you happy or impressed you?
A. In the course of my research, I was very surprised to find that the PFAS values for bases in Okinawa were higher than those for bases in other prefectures.


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