Autumn Adventure – Eaglet 2 Class

On Friday 13th November, we went to the Wonder Museum, an extracurricular activity (EOT) for fun. It was drizzling sometimes, but everyone in E2 was very excited all day long and felt good about themselves.
After having homemade bento, they enjoyed the science-fused fun of the Wonder Museum. Sound, light, and air pressure mechanism attracted a lot of attention, and they said, “That was fun!”; “How does it work? ” Some of the students filled out a questionnaire. The fun time passed in a flash, and we left Kodomonokuni, hoping that we would come again.
11/13(金)はお楽しみの課外活動(EOT) Wonder Museum (ワンダーミュージアム)に出かけました。時々小雨が降る天候でしたが、E2の皆んなは、一日中テンションが上がり、雨を吹き飛ばす勢いで気分良好でした。


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