Exhibition Progress Report

Grade 5 held an Exhibition Progress Report last week, a culminating PYP (International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme) event in which students decide on a social issue they want to explore, and then take action on what they have learned. In February, the students will present their work to the entire school community. During progress presentations, each group presented their past inquiries and action plans, with comments and suggestions from their classmates and teachers. Parents were invited to watch the presentations via zoom.
Grade 5 では、先週Exhibition Progress Report が行われました。
Exhibitionとは、PYP (国際バカロレア初等教育プログラム)集大成のイベントであり、子ども達自身で探究したい社会問題を決め、探究し、学んだことを行動におこします。2月には、スクールコミュニティー全体に向けて発表します。


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