The IB Evaluation, which lasted for three days from 29-31 January, has now been completed. We will learn from the improvements identified in the evaluation, make reforms, improve the good points and p…
PYP exhibition (Primary Years Programme)
*the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (“PYP”) The fifth grades students in the final year of PYP will hold an Exhibition. The Exhibition is the culmination of all the skills that the …
High school students from the school who served as receptionists and moderators at the 6th Nanjo City Social Welfare Convention held at Sugar Hall in Nanjo City on 13 December were featured in the Nan…
The school started today. We are a relief to see everyone in good spirits for the first time in a long time. We look forward to working with you in 2025.
Happy New Year! Thank you very much for your support during the past year. We look forward to working with you again in the New Year.
Thank you for visiting the Okinawa International School website. We would like to inform you of the winter holidays and the New Year holidays. <Winter break for students> Saturday 14 December 2024 …
Students from Yamawaki Gakuen are coming to OIS for a week from Monday 16 December for the Winter Programme! Okinawa is getting colder and colder, but please enjoy it as much as you can.
The MS and HS Athletic Day was held on Thursday 12 December. In addition to basketball, volleyball and relays, there was also karate, a band performance and dance acts. The games were played between t…