InformationSchool Life

  • 【Pre-K】IB learner profileの“Thinker

    【Pre-K】IB learner profileの“Thinker

    2022年10月14日(金) 保育・幼稚部では、 IB learner profileの“Thinker(考える人)”と安全について学習しました。 バスに取り残されたなどの緊急時に備え、いざという時に自分で身を守ることの大事さを知って欲しいことを目的としています。   先日バスを安全に利用する方法について学習したことを踏まえて、バスの安全についてもう一度みんなで考え、 緊急時に開いている…

  • OIS First DP Students Prepare for Final Exams

    OIS First DP Students Prepare for Final Exams

    OIS recognizes their first graduates from the Diploma Programme this year. DP is a rigorous programme that executes a worldwide accepted curriculum. In order to satisfy the requirements, students need…

  • Para-athlete welfare lecture

    Para-athlete welfare lecture

    On October 7th, Tsubasa Kina a local wheelchair racer who won the women’s wheelchair race at the 2020 and 2021 Tokyo Marathons, and participated in the 2020 Tokyo Summer Paralympics, shared her …

  • The Reading in Creative Places Contest.

    The Reading in Creative Places Contest.

    Greetings! Our library held the Reading in Creative Places Contest. We have received many wonderful and creative pictures, and we are so happy to see our students having fun while reading.       We ca…

  • (日本語) 玉城小学校 2年生がおしごとたいけん

    (日本語) 玉城小学校 2年生がおしごとたいけん

    October 4, 2022 Second graders from nearby Tamagusuku Elementary School visited our school for “Oshigoto Taiken”. The vice principal of our elementary department gave them a tour of the fa…

  • Community Service Day -Thank you poster

    Community Service Day -Thank you poster

    “Thank you” posters created by middle and high school OIS students to show their appreciation to Dr. Yoon OIST Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology for her inspiring and engaging pr…

  • Community Service Day

    Community Service Day

    Community Service Day for OIS middle and high school students! We had the pleasure of listening to our guest speaker, Dr. Su’ad Yoon, from OIST Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology , talk…

  • Pre-Kinder:Sports day

    Pre-Kinder:Sports day

    September 16, 2022 We held the sports day for the students who our Preschool and Kindergarten Department.