InformationSchool Life
2023年2月3日 節分 那覇キャンパスには鬼がやってきました。 鬼がちょっぴり怖い様子の子どもたち。 「鬼は外、福は内」の掛け声で、鬼を退治しました! 健康で安全な生活が送れますように♫
【High school】ILA Community Service Exhibition Invite
ILA Community Service Exhibition Invite On Saturday, January 21, 2023, the International Liberal Arts (ILA) Course students will be holding a”Community Service Exhibition. ” The exhibition…
Happy new year! I wish you a year filled with peace, good health and happiness. あけましておめでとうございます。 新しい年が平和と健康と幸福で満たされますように!
Pre-K Teachers and Staff complete CPR and AED training
2022年12月20日 Teachers of the preschool and kindergarten departments gave a first aid course.
[Updated January 2023] (Outside Visitor) School Policy on Coronavirus Infections
We ask for your cooperation in adhering to the following policy when visiting the school. OIS School Policy on Coronavirus Infections → (JP)OIS COVID 19 policies_2023.01 ・For Outside Visitor:…
Information about Winter holiday period
Thank you for visiting the website of Okinawa International School. We would like to inform you of our winter holiday and New Year period. <Winter Holiday for Children and Students> Saturday, 17 Dece…
Pre-kindergarten Christmas Party! Warmest thoughts for Christmas and a Happy New Year
On December 10th, Pre-K students demonstrated what they have learned and cultivated so far on stage using various means of expression such as drama, song, and dance. Thank you to everyone who was able…