InformationSchool Life

  • Effort Chart

    Effort Chart

    March is coming! Only one month left in E1, we have created an effort chart to clarify what we want students to work on as they move up to E2. Every day before going home, we reflect on what we did th…

  • Grade 9 Music Class

    Grade 9 Music Class

    The students created original body percussion with basic rhythm patterns and practiced on paper percussion. 九年生の生徒たちが自分で創ったリズムを紙で表現しました。  

  • One Day in Preschool Department

    One Day in Preschool Department

    After circle time, the children in the preschool department learned the names of the roots, stems, leaves, and petals of plants. They colored in the flower illustrations. In the afternoon, we had a ma…

  • Let’s go to the zoo!

    Let’s go to the zoo!

    They enjoyed a lot! They are so excited to see animals. They did not feel tired to go around and look for the next animal. Some students are a little scared of gorilla but they tried to calm down. The…

  • Why are giraffes on the brink of extinction?

    Why are giraffes on the brink of extinction?

    After reading the story ‘Giraffe Can’t Dance,’ we discussed some interesting facts about this animal and why they are becoming endangered. We ended our morning by doing these giraffe paintings. Well d…

  • Grade 9 History Class

    Grade 9 History Class

    G9 students studied in their history class about the similarities of the bombings of Guernica (1937) and Hiroshima (1945), and how these war crimes lead to the idea of longing for peace.   G9の生徒は歴史の授業…

  • Middle School Karate Class

    Middle School Karate Class

    G6, G7 and G8 students had the Karate Class which is once a month class. They practiced Kata “SaiFa”. 6年生、7年生と8年生は月に一度の空手の授業を行い、剛柔流の型、砕破を練習しました。

  • One Day of 4-year-old Class

    One Day of 4-year-old Class

    In the 4-year-old kindergarten class, we learned how to count by tens. Everyone was so excited to see the big number 100! In the afternoon, we went to Mango Park to see the river. There was a lot of g…