InformationSchool Life

  • Thank you for Donation!

    Thank you for Donation!

    Pre-school and Kindergarten library received 100,000 yen as a donation from a family. Thanks to the donation, we bought 31 English books and 28 Japanese books.  Those new books will enable the Pre-K s…

  • MYP Culture Festival

    MYP Culture Festival

    Such a very fun Cultural Festival Day yesterday! Everyone in MYP and DP must be tired from having put so much work into it but if it is any reward, it looks like the PYP students had a field day and l…

  • Pre-k Charity Event

    Pre-k Charity Event

    Although it was a tough year for all of us because of the global pandemic, our pre-k Charity Event last Saturday was a successful one. We really appreciate your presence, support, and cooperation sinc…

  • Grade 5 Story-telling Time

    Grade 5 Story-telling Time

    Grade 5 are all attentive to the substantial morning activity, storytelling or Kamishibai, with the support of a parent-representative. 五年生クラスの朝のアクティビティーで、保護者が紙芝居を読んでいただきました。

  • Grade 6 Design Class – Coding and Robot

    Grade 6 Design Class – Coding and Robot

    MYP1 students are learning by leaps and bounds as they continue developing their skills in coding and robotics. Here are some pictures of them having fun while trying their line-following robots! 六年生た…

  • MYP Christmas and New Year Card Design

    MYP Christmas and New Year Card Design

    Students from MYP1 to MYP5 worked on the design of a Christmas and new year card. Let’s check out what they have created! MYP1~MYP5の生徒が、クリスマスと年賀状のデザインに取り組みました。  

  • G1’s UOI Class

    G1’s UOI Class

    G1 had the opportunity to explore nature, outside the classroom, and observe around. This activity was an introduction to how the world works. Matter is about everything around us. G1 are looking forw…

  • 2020 Mathletics Numeracy Challenge Certificates

    2020 Mathletics Numeracy Challenge Certificates

    We are so proud of the efforts we had exerted in November 2020 Mathletics Numeracy Challenge. Thanks, Mathletics! 2020年11月のMathleticsチャレンジで出した努力を誇りに思います。 Mathleticsの皆さん、ありがとうございました。  

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