InformationSchool Life
午後のELLでは英語の指示を聞きながらクリスマスツリーを完成させました。T.davidの話す言葉をよく聞いて「何色かな?いくつかな?どこに描くのかな?」一生懸命考えていましたよ。 In the afternoon, we completed coloring Christmas trees while listening to the instructions in English, listen…
Today, we went to the Whale Park, which has a roof, because the weather wasn’t so good. Owlet looked very happy playing in the sand and slide. On the way back, we drove to Senaga Island and chee…
We made the castle of Viruses, so everyone did their best to paint it so that it looks dirty. And it was so cute to see them smiling happily when they put on their costumes! イベントの練習と、大道具作りをしました。Viruse…
To help G1 with their research and knowledge about their IB transdisciplinary theme and to gain international-mindedness as well. They had the opportunity to listen and learn from parents, teachers, a…
Grade 2 class visited and observed how the wind turbines work. Then went up to OIS rooftop to observed how solar panels generate electricity as part of their EOT for the unit “How the world works”. 二年…
Last week, we worked with our kids to decorate t-shirts for our charity event coming soon. It looked like it was very difficult to draw the designs on the cloth, but they seemed to enjoy drawing on th…
G6, G7 and G8 students had the Karate Class which is once a month class. They practiced Goju-ryu kata “Gekisai Daiichi”, “Gekisai Daini” and “Sanchin”. 6年生、7年生と8年生は月に一度の空手の授業を行い、剛柔流の型、撃砕第一、撃砕第二、三戦を練習し…
In Math class, we studied numbers using number lines. We started by moving our bodies to understand the number lines by clapping and moving our hands in time to the song. After that, we put stickers o…