InformationSchool Life

  • World Dance from Grade 1

    World Dance from Grade 1

    Hurray for Grade 1 Expressions day. The theme is about World dances.They perform Mongolian, Philippine, Greek, and Moroccan dance. It was a fun day for our cute students. 1年生は、モンゴル、フィリピン、ギリシャ、モロッコなどの世…

  • Grade 8 Individuals and Societies Class

    Grade 8 Individuals and Societies Class

    In Grade 8 Individuals and Societies Class, we have started a new unit this semester focusing on the Edo Period in Japan. We are studying about the samurai class and the famous play 47 Ronin. Today wa…

  • Fun and colorful Owlet Class

    Fun and colorful Owlet Class

    Teacher read us a book called “the dot” and then we all worked together to draw various dots. Some of the dots were big, some were small, and some were very colorful. In the class to explo…

  • Eaglet2 Class Story Reading Time

    Eaglet2 Class Story Reading Time

    Thursday morning is our parents’ story reading time. Today we are so happy to have Issei’s mommy here to read to our E2 class. 木曜日の朝は保護者読み聞かせの時間です。今日はイッセー君のママが来てくれて、E2クラスの子供たちに素晴らしいストーリーをよ…

  • Grade6 Math Class Activity

    Grade6 Math Class Activity

    In Mathematics, MYP1 students are applying their knowledge of geometry by designing their own geodesic domes and parabolic curves. 数学クラスでは、MYP1の生徒は幾何学の知識を応用して、ジオデシック・ドームや放物曲線を自分でデザインしています。

  • Grade 4 Class Fashion Show

    Grade 4 Class Fashion Show

    The awesome 4th Graders during their How We Express Ourselves summative assessment. They presented the Variety and Fashion show that culminated with a dance number. 4年生は、「私たちはどうのように自分を表現するか」の総合評価をしていま…

  • A Trip to the Post Office

    A Trip to the Post Office

    以前の課題で書いて頂いた祖父母の方へのお手紙を送るため郵便局へ行ってきました。切手を購入する際には「Good morning, 1 Stamp please, Thank you」と郵便局の方とコミュニケーションをとりました。緊張した様子のお子さんが多かったですがみんなよく頑張りました!自分で切手を貼ってポストに投函して、、、。「いつ届くかな?」と楽しみな様子。   Yesterday, our …

  • New facility

    New facility

    Good morning. We are happy to share some exciting news with the students and parents of our kindergarten students and teachers and staff today. Your new facility is now on the roof of our school, Naha…