
Parents of Preschool and Kindergarten Department

From a parent of a 4-year-old child

We can’t speak Japanese because it’s our first time in Okinawa, so we chose OIS to adapt to our child’s school life.

Contrary to concerns, the school atmosphere was bright, and we saw the sincerity and warmth of the teachers.

After a while, my child’s face became bright and she said she wanted to go to school everyday. And her Japanese and English skills have developed a lot, which has surprised us, too.

We feel so good to see our child go to school every morning with a BIG SMILE.



From a parent of a 4-year-old child

The teachers are always smiling and kind, and my child enjoys going to school every day. I chose OIS because I wanted my child to grow up to be a person with human ability in the future. Since entering the school, my child has learned about the 10 learner profile(IB), and I feel that she is growing into a caring and kind-hearted person. I also feel that she is learning English from words to sentences. The Karate class, where students are exposed to Okinawan culture from an early age, is also very appealing.


From a parent of a 3-year-old child

The biggest deciding factor for my son to enter the kindergarten was that he chose this place on his own after visiting several kindergartens.

The teachers, who are well versed in education and always cheerful and open, have given us parents a great sense of security.

I first learned more about IB education at the information session, but I feel that it is a very important education for Japan, for the children who will live in the future. 

保護者 Dさん




Parents of Elementary Department

保護者 Eさん

子ども達がOISに編入したのは2011年10月、日本社会の閉鎖性に触れたのがきっかけです。子どもには開かれた視野、多様な価値観と語学力を身につけて欲しいと考えていたところ、グローバル社会を視野に、英語で教育を行っているOISを見つけました。入学直後は英語に戸惑っていた子ども達も、周りの温かいサポートにやる気を刺激され、比較的短期間で英語を身につけました。また先生方が子 供たちの良いところを見つけて評価してくれることで子供たちは自信を持ち、苦手なことにも挑戦できるようになりました。これから子ども達が総合力と英語というツールを更に磨いて、新しい世界の扉を次々と開いていくことを大いに期待しています。

Parents of Middle School Department

保護者 Fさん

まだまだ子供だと思って息子と話していると、多面的な視点から物事を捉えていてはっとしたり、論理的な発言に歯が立たないこともあり、スクールでの学びを垣間見ることが度々あります。私達が受けてきた教育とは全く違うので、このまま続けさせていいのだろうかと親として特に進級の際には悩むのですが、「OIS で学ぶことに興味があり好きだから」という本人の意思も尊重し、最終学年まで通わせたいと思っております。

Please feel free to contact us if you need any further information.

Phone number [8:30 - 16:45(Weekdays only)]


+81 098-835-1851


+81 098-948-7711


+81 098-948-7740

OIS will hold on international School guidance counseling.
