How to Improve the World through an Interdisciplinary Unit

As part of the International Baccalaureate curriculum for middle school is the Interdisciplinary Unit or IDU, students get the opportunity to use their specialized knowledge across different subjects. In this unit science teacher, Lloyd Cascabel, and individuals and societies teacher, Trina Paguinto, collaborated together in order spread awareness.

In this authentic assignment, students are tasked to appeal to Japan’s Ministry Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry to make efforts to fight against illegal dumping of industrial waste as a product of their reflections from their research on the human impacts to the environment.

After extensive research students create a website developing their personal research questions, sharing their findings and utilizing their subject-specific skills in order to spread awareness. By the end of the project students learn how to research properly, manipulate various mediums, and appeal to a specific audience. 

Cascabel is currently the MYP science instructor for grades six to nine. He has taught biology in Beijing, China, MYP Science and Math; biology and physics in Manila, Philippines. Paguinto has been teaching humanity courses in high school for fifteen years in Jakarta, Indonesia and Manila, Philippines. She is currently the Individuals & Societies teacher for MYP and ILA. She joined OIS in 2022. 

You can see the entire project by clicking the link:

The following website is designed by Rio Kawai from MYP2.


Head of English Department – John Tang 


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