Qualification Requirements
応募いただく方は必要書類(履歴書、職務経歴書、教員免許証コピー)を日英両言語で作成し、PDFデータに変換して headmaster@ois-edu.com までお送りください。
短期 講師募集
※ Summer School Instructors Wanted! / サマースクール期間中の講師募集
OIS will hold its 22nd Summer School from July 22 to August 9, 2024.
Students who attend the summer school are divided into kindergarten, elementary, and middle/high school.Since the summer school will take place entirely in an English-language environment, instructors are also required to teach and conduct activities in English.
We accept applications from university students.
If you are interested in applying, please send your resume and curriculum vitae in English (or proof of enrollment if you are a student) to the address below.
Email address: ois-summer@ois-edu.com
OIS Summer School Teacher Application Requirements
・Experience in teaching English to preschoolers, elementary, junior high, and high school students.
・University students who are interested in early childhood education.
・Native English speaker or equivalent
・Applicants from outside Okinawa must be able to pay for their own transportation to Okinawa and accommodation during their stay.
・Able to participate in online meetings prior to the program.
<Schedule and Salary>
OIS Summer School2024 Schedule
1st Session July 22 - July 26
2nd Session July 29 - August 2
3rd Session August 5 - August 9
Summer Teacher’s Allowance
For 3 sessions Participation: 200,000yen
For 2 sessions Participation: 120,000yen
For 1 session Participation: 55,000yen
応募書類送付先: ois-summer@ois-edu.com

※ Summer School Instructors Wanted! / サマースクール期間中の講師募集
OIS will hold its 22nd Summer School from July 22 to August 9, 2024.
Students who attend the summer school are divided into kindergarten, elementary, and middle/high school.Since the summer school will take place entirely in an English-language environment, instructors are also required to teach and conduct activities in English.
We accept applications from university students.
If you are interested in applying, please send your resume and curriculum vitae in English (or proof of enrollment if you are a student) to the address below.
Email address: ois-summer@ois-edu.com
OIS Summer School Teacher Application Requirements
・Experience in teaching English to preschoolers, elementary, junior high, and high school students.
・University students who are interested in early childhood education.
・Native English speaker or equivalent
・Applicants from outside Okinawa must be able to pay for their own transportation to Okinawa and accommodation during their stay.
・Able to participate in online meetings prior to the program.
<Schedule and Salary>
OIS Summer School2024 Schedule
1st Session July 22 - July 26
2nd Session July 29 - August 2
3rd Session August 5 - August 9
Summer Teacher’s Allowance
For 3 sessions Participation: 200,000yen
For 2 sessions Participation: 120,000yen
For 1 session Participation: 55,000yen
Participants from outside the prefecture will receive a daily living support allowance of 3,000 yen.
応募書類送付先: ois-summer@ois-edu.com

資料請求・学校見学・体験授業 お気軽にお問い合わせください